Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Noise-induced hearing loss: a three-year update |
Małgorzata Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska |
3955 |
Oral |
Significant Hearing Loss is Probably Not Part of Normal Aging |
Daniel Fink |
2331 |
Oral |
Hearing conservation in Switzerland – long-term perspective and latest results |
Beat W. Hohmann |
3812 |
Oral |
Hearing tests combined with noise awareness action in elementary schools |
Sonja Jeram |
3690 |
Oral |
Objectification of auditory and non-auditory effects of environmental noise from different sources in a sample of Slovak students |
Alexandra Filová |
3621 |
Oral |
Personal audio devices use patterns associated with risks of hearing loss and compromised road safety among medical students in Delhi, India. |
Saurav Basu |
3645 |
Oral |
Hearing Function in Music Player Users: Georgian Material |
Nana Saralidze |
2768 |
Oral |
Music exposure and hearing loss in Switzerland – a long-term perspective |
Beat W. Hohmann |
3762 |
Oral |
The hearing status of employees exposed to noise generated by ultrasonic welding devices |
Adam Dudarewicz |
3620 |
Oral |
Hearing loss and morbidity among construction site workers in National Capital Region of Delhi, India |
Anshul Shukla |
3998 |
Oral |
Noise exposure and hearing threshold levels in call center operators |
Małgorzata Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska |
3664 |
Oral |
The effect of occupational noise on hearing-related symptoms - exploring mediating and modifying effect of annoyance and stress |
Sofie Fredriksson |
3941 |
Oral |
Cost-benefit analysis in occupational exposure to noise |
Paolo Lenzuni |
3572 |
Oral |
Adverse auditory effects associated with the combined exposure to jet fuels and noise |
Adrian Fuente |
4049 |
Poster |
Sustainable hearing loss prevention |
Judith Sobel |
3773 |
Poster |
Looking at Non-Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss |
Neil DiSarno |
3692 |
Poster |
Noise pollution in Dhaka city of Bangladesh |
Mohammed Abul Kalam |
2517 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Improving communication in noise: Some recent developments |
Anthony Brammer |
3779 |
Oral |
For persons with normal hearing, can speech understanding in noise be influenced by a history of temporary threshold shift? |
Anthony Brammer |
3780 |
Oral |
Effects of noise type on listening effort: relationship between subjective rating and objective measures |
Chiara Visentin |
3603 |
Oral |
Communicating with low-cost hearing protectors: hear, see and believe |
Annelies Bockstael |
3646 |
Oral |
Effect of personal safety equipment (hearing protection and helmet) on the localization of reverse alarms |
Chantal Laroche |
3975 |
Oral |
Disability Rights Aspects of Ambient Noise for People with Auditory Disorders |
Daniel Fink |
2332 |
Oral |
The effect of acoustic absorbing wall panels in classrooms |
Carsten Svensson |
3675 |
Poster |
A building code on indoor noise environment for the hearing impared senior's aging at home |
Yang Ki Oh |
3793 |
Poster |
The localization of the sound sources: a new approach based on the divergence of the sound pressure level |
Valentin Buzduga |
4034 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Recent progress in the field of non-auditory health effects of noise – trends and research needs |
Yvonne de Kluizenaar |
3705 |
Oral |
The role of noise sensitivity in acute physiological effects of noise |
Kim White |
3663 |
Oral |
Noise sensitivity modifies the effect of recorded noise on sympathovagal balance in young men |
Katarina Paunovic |
3661 |
Oral |
Studying noise sensitivity on the brain level |
Marja Heinonen-Guzejev |
3754 |
Oral |
Night-time aircraft noise and vascular diseases - the Cologne-Bonn Airport Study |
Eberhard Greiser |
3660 |
Oral |
Blood pressure monitoring (NORAH study): Exposure to maximum sound levels of nocturnal aircraft noise and self-measured blood pressure |
Anja zur Nieden |
3969 |
Oral |
Residential exposure to traffic noise and leisure-time sports– a population-based study |
Nina Roswall |
3602 |
Oral |
Long-term exposure to traffic noise in relation to development of obesity – A cohort study |
Göran Pershagen |
3816 |
Oral |
Long-term exposure to road, railway, and aircraft noise levels and their association with incidence of obesity and different obesity parameters. |
Maria Foraster |
3824 |
Oral |
Association between night-time road traffic noise and perturbations in glucose control may be modified by sleep-related parameters |
Ikenna C. Eze |
3810 |
Oral |
Residential traffic noise exposure and colorectal cancer incidence – a cohort study |
Nina Roswall |
2476 |
Oral |
Exposure to traffic noise and risk for febrile seizure: a cohort study |
Mette Sørensen |
2505 |
Oral |
Burden of disease from road traffic noise and air pollution in Oslo, Norway |
Gunn Marit Aasvang |
3614 |
Oral |
Long-term exposure to source-specific transportation noise levels and temporal noise characteristics in association with arterial stiffness |
Maria Foraster |
3819 |
Oral |
Road traffic noise and incident cardiovascular disease: a joint analysis of HUNT, EPIC-Oxford and UK Biobank |
Yutong Cai |
3910 |
Oral |
Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and risk of heart failure: a cohort study |
Mette Sørensen |
2500 |
Oral |
WHO evidence review of the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of environmental noise: blood pressure in children |
Elise van Kempen |
3851 |
Oral |
Noise at school independently raises the odds for hypertension in children and adolescents |
Goran Belojevic |
3600 |
Oral |
Are environmental noise and air pollution in middle-sized cities risk factors for preterm delivery? |
Frédéric Mauny |
4075 |
Oral |
Road traffic noise and air pollution exposures and birth outcomes in London |
Rachel B Smith |
3844 |
Oral |
Association between road traffic noise exposure and cortisol metabolites in newborns |
Manuella Lech Cantuaria |
3701 |
Oral |
Traffic noise and determinants of saliva cortisol levels in adolescents |
Alva Wallas |
3592 |
Oral |
Possible long-term implications of being in a preschool noise environment, from a child and personnel perspective. |
Kerstin Persson-Waye |
3818 |
Oral |
A questionnaire survey on health effects of aircraft noise for residents living in the vicinity of Narita International Airport: The results of physical and mental health effects. |
Masaaki Hiroe |
3617 |
Oral |
The effects of aircraft noise exposure on psychological distress: the results of the DEBATS study in France |
Clémence Baudin |
2444 |
Oral |
The relationship between aircraft sound levels, noise annoyance and mental well-being: An analysis of moderated mediation |
Dirk Schreckenberg |
3635 |
Oral |
Health impact assessment of noise in Rome, Italy |
Francesca Mattei |
3892 |
Poster |
An Ecological Study to assess relationship between noise pollution and cardiovascular disease in India |
Charu Kohli |
3587 |
Poster |
Cardiometabolic risks of exposure to different environmental noise sources in vulnerable population |
Lubica Argalasova |
3677 |
Poster |
Stress and cardiovascular reactions to temporary noise experiences in healthy males |
Shkurti Enkelejda |
2340 |
Poster |
Reported general health and aircraft noise exposure: the results of the debats study in France |
Clémence Baudin |
2443 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Review of research on the effects of noise on cognitive performance 2014-2017 |
Andreas Liebl |
4017 |
Oral |
When and why does a long reverberation time improve comprehension and recall? |
Staffan Hygge |
3609 |
Oral |
The relationship between aircraft noise and reading: Mediator and moderator effects |
Jan Spilski |
3518 |
Oral |
Effects of noise on reading: What do we know about this topic with respect to the occupational context? |
Helga Sukowski |
3703 |
Oral |
Effects of noise on errors, injuries and subjective health of hospital staff |
Andrew Smith |
2458 |
Oral |
Impact of noise on communication and concentration during surgeries |
Sandra Keller |
3889 |
Oral |
How does staff perceive the sound environment in operating theaters and treatment rooms with the present standards and building regulations? |
Maria Quinn |
3669 |
Oral |
Effective open learning landscapes and the well-being of teachers and students |
Colin Campbell |
3741 |
Oral |
Writing performance in open-plan study environments: a laboratory study |
Ella Braat-Eggen |
3665 |
Oral |
Listening efficiency in university classrooms: a comparison between native and non-native listeners |
Chiara Visentin |
3604 |
Oral |
Health effect of variation in noise absorption in open-plan office: a cross-over design field study |
Nils Rage |
3760 |
Oral |
Distraction distance predicts noise disturbance in open-plan offices |
Valtteri Hongisto |
4058 |
Oral |
A simple sound metric for evaluating sound annoyance in open-plan offices |
Patrick Chevret |
3570 |
Oral |
Why are Background Telephone Conversations Distracting? |
John Everett Marsh |
3647 |
Oral |
Improving both cognitive performance and subjective evaluations in open-plan offices by combining partial maskers |
Sabine Schlittmeier |
4019 |
Oral |
Evaluation of measures for the reduction of impairment by background speech at office workplaces: Comparison of measurements and listening tests |
Andreas Liebl |
4024 |
Oral |
The effect of acoustic design on performance in office rooms |
Valtteri Hongisto |
4057 |
Oral |
Effects of Noise on Risky Decision Making and Decision Confidence |
Marc Syndicus |
3947 |
Oral |
Context specific analysis of the sound environment at the workplace and its meaning for a task |
Jikke Reinten |
3862 |
Oral |
An Attempt to Predict ISE by a Spectral Estimator |
Toros Ufuk Senan |
3626 |
Poster |
Occupational noise exposure and the risk for work-related injuries: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
Angel Dzhambov |
2448 |
Poster |
The Bigger the Better and the More the Merrier? Realistic Office Reverberation Levels Abolish Cognitive Distraction by Multiple-Voice Speech |
François Vachon |
2823 |
Poster |
Interrelations between noise and patients’ critical states during surgeries |
Sandra Keller |
3896 |
Poster |
Dental equipment noise on dental anxiety and its noise reduction |
Cheuk Ming Mak |
3508 |
Poster |
Prior and current noise exposure: effects on university students' wellbeing and attainment |
Andrew Smith |
2489 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Review of research on the effects of noise on sleep over the last 3 years |
Sarah McGuire |
3999 |
Oral |
WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region: A systematic review on environmental noise and effects on sleep |
Sarah McGuire |
3943 |
Oral |
The significance of autonomic arousals during sleep |
Barbara Griefahn |
3939 |
Oral |
Spindle density and arousability from acoustic stimulation during sleep |
Franziska Rudzik |
3913 |
Oral |
Temporal variation of transportation noise during sleep impacts on glucose metabolism |
Laurie Thiesse |
3938 |
Oral |
Pilot Study Examining the Effects of Aircraft Noise on Sleep in Communities Near Philadelphia International Airport |
Mathias Basner |
3957 |
Oral |
A comparison of the effects of night time air traffic noise on sleep at Cologne/Bonn and Frankfurt Airport after the night flight ban |
Uwe Müller |
3726 |
Oral |
Association between residents’ attitude towards air traffic and their objective sleep quality at Frankfurt Airport. |
Eva-Maria Elmenhorst |
3893 |
Oral |
Investigating the impact of nocturnal aircraft noise on children’s sleep, cognitive performance, and annoyance: The MIDAS-study |
Susanne Bartels |
3750 |
Oral |
Nocturnal road traffic noise and children’s sleep duration |
Kjell Vegard Weyde |
3623 |
Oral |
The effects of aircraft noise exposure on subjective sleep quality: the results of the DEBATS study in France |
Ali Mohamed Nassur |
2441 |
Oral |
Rail traffic noise and sleep disturbances |
Tonje Veronika Antonsen |
3618 |
Oral |
The effect on sleep of nocturnal exposure to noise and vibration from rail traffic |
Irene van Kamp |
3557 |
Oral |
On the possibility of deriving a common dose response relationsship of sleep disturbance due to vibration from field and laboratory studies. |
Kerstin Persson-Waye |
3899 |
Oral |
Wind Turbine Noise Effects on Sleep: The WiTNES study |
Michael Smith |
3704 |
Oral |
Epidemiological Study of Aircraft Noise using Sheet-Shaped Sleep Meter: Measurement of Motility, Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate |
Junta Tagusari |
4053 |
Oral |
On the application of two statistical approaches to establish noise exposure-response relationships from repeated binary observations |
Beat Schäffer |
3583 |
Poster |
Cross-country comparison of aircraft noise-induced sleep disturbance |
Sarah McGuire |
3948 |
Poster |
FAA studies on the effects of aircraft noise on sleep |
Natalia Sizov |
3558 |
Poster |
Higher noise tolerance may be associated with more refreshing sleep |
Daniel Fong |
3559 |
Poster |
An Affordable Recording Instrument for the Acoustical Characterisation of Human Environments |
Huub Bakker |
3654 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Recent progress in the field of community response to noise |
Sabine Janssen |
3983 |
Oral |
Effects of noise on the wellbeing of rail staff |
Andrew Smith |
2460 |
Oral |
The opening of a new terminal building and its influences on community response around Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport: Comparison between Arrival and Departure sides |
Thao Linh Nguyen |
3569 |
Oral |
Annoyance response to helicopter noise |
Sabine Janssen |
3985 |
Oral |
Exposure, annoyance, and sensitivity to noise in informal settlements in the Western Cape province, South Africa |
Martina Ragettli |
4006 |
Oral |
The noise pollution perception in the city of Milan: analysis of registered complains by the population |
Giovanni Zambon |
3963 |
Oral |
Bias due to Nonresponse in Noise Annoyance Surveys? |
Heidi Bruderer Enzler |
3577 |
Oral |
Secondary analysis of social survey on community response to transportation vibration in Japan |
Shigenori Yokoshima |
3792 |
Oral |
A review of the human exposure-response to amplitude-modulated wind turbine noise: health effects, influences on community annoyance, methods of control and mitigation |
Michael Lotinga |
3809 |
Oral |
Noise annoyance caused by large wind turbines – a dose-response relationship |
Valtteri Hongisto |
4059 |
Oral |
Standardized questions and scales for social surveys |
Truls Gjestland |
2449 |
Oral |
First results of the development of a multiple-item annoyance scale (MIAS) |
Dirk Schreckenberg |
3634 |
Oral |
Comparison of annoyance response measured with ICBEN 5-point verbal and 11-point numerical scales in Japanese and Vietnamese |
Thulan Nguyen |
3992 |
Oral |
How to test noise annoyance models based on psychoacoustic indices using socio-acoustic survey data? The case of aircraft noise annoyance models |
Catherine Marquis-Favre |
3566 |
Oral |
Annoyance due to railway noise and vibrations: A comparison of two methods of collecting annoyance scores |
Philéas Maigrot |
3694 |
Oral |
Community response to mixed traffic noise sources: assessing the overall effects of a soundscape |
Peter Lercher |
3958 |
Oral |
Effects of floor impact noise on people – annoyance and physiological responses |
Sang Hee Park |
2453 |
Oral |
Dose-response curves for satisfactory sound insulation between dwellings |
Jens Holger Rindel |
3813 |
Oral |
Perceived sound quality in dwellings in Norway |
Anders Løvstad |
3814 |
Poster |
What is a safe noise level for the public? |
Daniel Fink |
2330 |
Poster |
Living environment survey along Hokuriku Shinkansen railway: Social survey conducted one year after opening |
Takashi Morihara |
3739 |
Poster |
Community Tolerance Level for transportation noises derived from Socio-Acoustic Survey Data Archive, SASDA |
Makoto Morinaga |
3876 |
Poster |
Annoyance due to railway noise before and after the elevation of the conventional railway. |
Tsubasa Shimokawatoko |
3874 |
Poster |
Attitudes towards authorities and aircraft noise annoyance. Sensitivity analyses on the relationship between non-acoustical factors and annoyance. |
Dirk Schreckenberg |
3636 |
Poster |
Community response to environmental noise: A preliminary soundscape assessment of highland environment |
Nazli Che Din |
3608 |
Poster |
Problems of noise annoyance in the newly built apartment buildings in Slovakia |
Lubica Argalasova |
3678 |
Poster |
Soundscape pleasantness in urban places: dimensions and relation with health aspects |
Karmele Herranz-Pascual |
3761 |
Poster |
Association between different indices of greenspace “exposure” and noise annoyance in youth |
Angel Dzhambov |
3699 |
Poster |
A Case Study on Perception of Noise Policy and Relation to Noise Complaints |
Nilgün Akbulut Coban |
3922 |
Poster |
Quantifying socioacusia in Uruguayan young people |
Alice Elizabeth Gonzalez |
4070 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Review of environmental noise policies and economics in 2014-2016 |
Dietrich Schwela |
3611 |
Oral |
Review of the effect of transport noise interventions on human health: policy implications and future research |
Alan Lex Brown |
3679 |
Oral |
Economic impacts of noise and hearing loss in America |
Richard Neitzel |
4054 |
Oral |
Best practice for cost/benefit based decisions on abatement of traffic noise |
Bert Peeters |
3732 |
Oral |
Managing ‘kaman’ (noise) impacts and expectations in a changing city centre, Wollongong, Australia. |
Suri Mora |
3509 |
Oral |
Application of noise mapping in an Indian opencast mine for effective noise management |
Veena Manwar |
3730 |
Oral |
Road traffic noise exposure scenarios 2015 - 2035 for Gothenburg, Sweden |
Mikael Ögren |
4063 |
Oral |
Willingness to pay in the Rhine-Main region according to aircraft noise, railway noise, road traffic noise |
Kerstin Giering |
3579 |
Oral |
Respite from Aircraft Noise |
Nicole Porter |
3936 |
Oral |
One Justice for All? Noise Pollution and Different Notions of Distributive Justice |
Heidi Bruderer Enzler |
3649 |
Oral |
Socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities in transport-related outdoor noise at residence in London |
Daniela Fecht |
3934 |
Oral |
Environmental noise challenges and policies in low and middle income countries |
Dietrich Schwela |
3612 |
Oral |
The Noise Landscape: understanding the spatial impacts of noise in European airport peripheries |
Eirini Kasioumi |
4355 |
Poster |
How to establish a better information disclosure system on noise and environment - Concept proposals of information disclosure and a noise experience tool - |
Mari Ueda |
3799 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
The inadequacy of the A-frequency weighting for the assessment of adverse effects on human populations |
Bruce Rapley |
3873 |
Oral |
Predicting aircraft noise annoyance: exploring noise metrics other than Lden |
Oscar Breugelmans |
3670 |
Oral |
A statistical model to predict sound level differences between in- and outdoors |
Barbara Locher |
3763 |
Oral |
Assessing the relationship of indoor and outdoor noise at residential dwellings in London |
Faridah Naim |
3945 |
Oral |
Validation of the exposure modelling within SiRENE by long-term measurements |
Felix Schlatter |
3949 |
Oral |
Towards an uncertainty analysis for parametric aircraft system noise prediction |
Lothar Bertsch |
3937 |
Oral |
Uncertainty of calculated noise levels and its influence on exposure-response-relationship in the NORAH-project |
Manfred Liepert |
3970 |
Oral |
Addressing confounding by air pollution in studies of noise and health: the relationship of measured noise and ultra-fine particles |
John Gulliver |
3841 |
Oral |
Uncorrelated components of Noise and PM exposure give opportunities to disentangle health effects of noise and air pollution. |
Luc Dekoninck |
3935 |
Oral |
Development of a national job exposure matrix for occupational noise in the US |
Richard Neitzel |
4055 |
Poster |
Health risk assessment for large industrial cities population under the noise exposure |
Dmitrii Koshurnikov |
3931 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Overview of the topic “Interactions with other agents and contextual factors” |
Adrian Fuente |
4052 |
Oral |
Consciousness of Individual Noise Pollution Behavior of the German Population |
Jördis Wothge |
3805 |
Oral |
The influence of audio-visual aptitude on audio-visual interaction in appraisal of the environment |
Dick Botteldooren |
3838 |
Oral |
Good acoustic architecture for streetscapes |
Inès Neuhaus |
3898 |
Oral |
Effects of anthropogenic sound on terrestrial ecosystems: a review of recent evidence |
Guillaume Dutilleux |
3926 |
Oral |
Ears II - Development of an ultrasound measurement technique for use in occupational safety |
Christian Ullisch-Nelken |
3585 |
Poster |
The “Hearwig“ as hearing protector for musicians – a practical investigation |
Andrea Wolff |
3616 |
Format |
Title |
Primary author |
ID |
Oral |
Case Report: Cross-Sensitisation to infrasound and low frequency noise |
Bruce Rapley |
3872 |
Oral |
Hearing threshold measurements of infrasound combined with audio frequency sound |
Elisa Burke |
3574 |
Oral |
Effect on Measured Hearing Threshold of Low Frequency Noise by Various Test Methods |
Toshiya Kitamura |
3956 |
Oral |
Frequency Weighting for the Evaluation of Human Response to Low-Frequency Noise based on the Physiological Evidence of the Vestibular System |
Junta Tagusari |
4050 |
Oral |
Evaluation of the health effects related to low frequency noise and infrasound from wind farms: results and conclusions from an independent collective expertise in France. |
Philippe Lepoutre |
2487 |
Oral |
Evaluation of Wind Turbine Noise in Japan |
Akira Shimada |
3584 |
Oral |
Resolution Improvement of Low Frequency Noise Sources in Acoustic Holography |
Hee-Min Noh |
3581 |
Oral |
Project review: elastic decoupling of a large roller grinder |
Thomas Schönherr |
3586 |
Oral |
Burden of disease from exposure to low frequency noise: a Dutch inventory. |
Irene van Kamp |
3691 |
Oral |
Annoying Low Level Sound |
Rudolf Bütikofer |
3625 |
Oral |
A new methodology for investigating IFLN complains |
Steven Cooper |
3659 |
Oral |
Study on human reactions to vibration from blasting activities nearby dwellings |
Iiris Turunen-Rindel |
3909 |
Oral |
A Citizen Science Initiative: Acoustical Characterisation of Human Environments |
Huub Bakker |
3653 |
Oral |
Regulating low frequency noise from industry - a practical approach |
Gordon Downey |
3656 |
Oral |
Vibration measurement as a tool to solve a murder |
David Eager |
2829 |
Poster |
The different evaluation-methods of the wind farm noise in Switzerland - Computer models / IN-SITU measurements |
Victor Desarnaulds |
2382 |
Poster |
Exploring perception of vibrations from rail: an interview study. |
Laura Maclachlan |
3722 |
Poster |
Laboratory measurement of vibration and secondary noise transmission loss for rubber elastomer mats |
Hui Li |
3797 |
Poster |
Experiences of a Polyurethane-Manufacturer with the Elastic Decoupling of Machines |
Thomas Schönherr |
3601 |
Poster |
An investigation on the interaction analysis of beam - active isolator with low suspension frequency |
Khairiah Turahim |
3631 |
Poster |
Reducing playground injuries by increasing HIC sampling rate from 8 kHz to 20 kHz |
David Eager |
2411 |
Poster |
Double bounce vibration on trampolines and associated injuries |
David Eager |
2410 |