ICBEN 2017 Papers

Welcome to the paper collection of the ICBEN 2017 Congress. Click on the ID to download the full paper.

Subject area 1: Noise-induced hearing loss Subject area 6: Community response to noise and noise annoyance
Subject area 2: Noise and communication Subject area 7: Noise policy and economics
Subject area 3: Non-auditory health effects of noise Subject area 8: Noise exposure assessment in health effect studies
Subject area 4: Effects of noise on cognition, performance and behaviour Subject area 9: Special topics related to noise effects
Subject area 5: Effects of noise on sleep Subject area 10: Low frequency noise and vibration

Keynotes & Symposia

Format Title Primary author ID
Keynote Noise sensitivity, health and mortality - a review and new analyses Stephen Stansfeld 4161
Keynote Hearing beyond the limit: Measurement, perception and impact of infrasound and ultrasonic noise Christian Koch 4163
Keynote Noise-induced hearing loss and its impact on quality of life Stefan Launer 4162
Keynote The increase of aircraft noise annoyance in communities: Causes and consequences Rainer Guski 4164
Symposium Short and Long Term Effects of Transportation Noise Exposure (SiRENE): an interdisciplinary approach (SiRENE Minisymposium) Martin Röösli 3894
Symposium Silence at work - noise at home: a case study (Satellite Symposium STO AG) Andreas Niermann 4336

Subject area 1: Noise-induced hearing loss

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Noise-induced hearing loss: a three-year update Małgorzata Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska 3955
Oral Significant Hearing Loss is Probably Not Part of Normal Aging Daniel Fink 2331
Oral Hearing conservation in Switzerland – long-term perspective and latest results Beat W. Hohmann 3812
Oral Hearing tests combined with noise awareness action in elementary schools Sonja Jeram 3690
Oral Objectification of auditory and non-auditory effects of environmental noise from different sources in a sample of Slovak students Alexandra Filová 3621
Oral Personal audio devices use patterns associated with risks of hearing loss and compromised road safety among medical students in Delhi, India.  Saurav Basu 3645
Oral Hearing Function in Music Player Users: Georgian Material Nana Saralidze 2768
Oral Music exposure and hearing loss in Switzerland – a long-term perspective Beat W. Hohmann 3762
Oral The hearing status  of employees exposed to noise generated by ultrasonic welding devices Adam Dudarewicz 3620
Oral Hearing loss and morbidity among construction site workers in National Capital Region of Delhi, India Anshul Shukla 3998
Oral Noise exposure and hearing threshold levels in call center operators Małgorzata Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska 3664
Oral The effect of occupational noise on hearing-related symptoms - exploring mediating and modifying effect of annoyance and stress Sofie Fredriksson 3941
Oral Cost-benefit analysis in occupational exposure to noise Paolo Lenzuni 3572
Oral Adverse auditory effects associated with the combined exposure to jet fuels and noise Adrian Fuente 4049
Poster Sustainable hearing loss prevention  Judith Sobel 3773
Poster Looking at Non-Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Neil DiSarno 3692
Poster Noise pollution in Dhaka city of Bangladesh Mohammed Abul Kalam 2517

Subject area 2: Noise and communication

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Improving communication in noise: Some recent developments Anthony Brammer 3779
Oral For persons with normal hearing, can speech understanding in noise be influenced by a history of temporary threshold shift? Anthony Brammer 3780
Oral Effects of noise type on listening effort:  relationship between subjective rating and objective measures  Chiara Visentin 3603
Oral Communicating with low-cost hearing protectors: hear, see and believe Annelies Bockstael 3646
Oral Effect of personal safety equipment (hearing protection and helmet) on the localization of reverse alarms Chantal Laroche 3975
Oral Disability Rights Aspects of Ambient Noise for People with Auditory Disorders Daniel Fink 2332
Oral The effect of acoustic absorbing wall panels in classrooms Carsten Svensson 3675
Poster A building code on indoor noise environment for the hearing impared senior's aging at home Yang Ki Oh 3793
Poster The localization of the sound sources: a new approach based on the divergence of the sound pressure level Valentin Buzduga 4034


Subject area 3: Non-auditory health effects of noise

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Recent progress in the field of non-auditory health effects of noise – trends and research needs Yvonne de Kluizenaar 3705
Oral The role of noise sensitivity in acute physiological effects of noise Kim White 3663
Oral Noise sensitivity modifies the effect of recorded noise on sympathovagal balance in young men Katarina Paunovic 3661
Oral Studying noise sensitivity on the brain level Marja Heinonen-Guzejev 3754
Oral Night-time aircraft noise and vascular diseases - the Cologne-Bonn Airport Study Eberhard Greiser 3660
Oral Blood pressure monitoring (NORAH study): Exposure to maximum sound levels of nocturnal aircraft noise and self-measured blood pressure Anja zur Nieden 3969
Oral Residential exposure to traffic noise and leisure-time sports– a population-based study Nina Roswall 3602
Oral Long-term exposure to traffic noise in relation to development of obesity – A cohort study Göran Pershagen 3816
Oral Long-term exposure to road, railway, and aircraft noise levels and their association with incidence of obesity and different obesity parameters. Maria Foraster 3824
Oral Association between night-time road traffic noise and perturbations in glucose control may be modified by sleep-related parameters  Ikenna C. Eze 3810
Oral Residential traffic noise exposure and colorectal cancer incidence – a cohort study Nina Roswall 2476
Oral Exposure to traffic noise and risk for febrile seizure: a cohort study Mette Sørensen 2505
Oral Burden of disease from road traffic noise and air pollution in Oslo, Norway Gunn Marit Aasvang 3614
Oral Long-term exposure to source-specific transportation noise levels and temporal noise characteristics in association with arterial stiffness Maria Foraster 3819
Oral Road traffic noise and incident cardiovascular disease: a joint analysis of HUNT, EPIC-Oxford and UK Biobank  Yutong Cai 3910
Oral Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and risk of heart failure: a cohort study Mette Sørensen 2500
Oral WHO evidence review of the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of environmental noise: blood pressure in children Elise van Kempen 3851
Oral Noise at school independently raises the odds for hypertension in children and adolescents Goran Belojevic 3600
Oral Are environmental noise and air pollution in middle-sized cities risk factors for preterm delivery? Frédéric Mauny 4075
Oral Road traffic noise and air pollution exposures and birth outcomes in London Rachel B Smith 3844
Oral Association between road traffic noise exposure and cortisol metabolites in newborns Manuella Lech Cantuaria 3701
Oral Traffic noise and determinants of saliva cortisol levels in adolescents Alva Wallas 3592
Oral Possible long-term implications of being in a preschool noise environment, from a child and personnel perspective.   Kerstin Persson-Waye 3818
Oral A questionnaire survey on health effects of aircraft noise for residents living in the vicinity of Narita International Airport: The results of physical and mental health effects. Masaaki Hiroe 3617
Oral The effects of aircraft noise exposure on psychological distress: the results of the DEBATS study in France Clémence Baudin 2444
Oral The relationship between aircraft sound levels, noise annoyance and mental well-being: An analysis of moderated mediation Dirk Schreckenberg 3635
Oral Health impact assessment of noise in Rome, Italy Francesca Mattei 3892
Poster An Ecological Study to assess relationship between noise pollution and cardiovascular disease in India  Charu Kohli 3587
Poster Cardiometabolic risks of exposure to  different environmental noise sources in vulnerable population Lubica Argalasova 3677
Poster Stress and cardiovascular reactions to temporary noise experiences in healthy males Shkurti Enkelejda 2340
Poster Reported general health and aircraft noise exposure: the results of the debats study in France Clémence Baudin 2443

Subject area 4: Effects of noise on cognition, performance and behaviour

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Review of research on the effects of noise on cognitive performance 2014-2017 Andreas Liebl 4017
Oral When and why does a long reverberation time improve comprehension and recall? Staffan Hygge 3609
Oral The relationship between aircraft noise and reading: Mediator and moderator effects  Jan Spilski 3518
Oral Effects of noise on reading: What do we know about this topic with respect to the occupational context? Helga Sukowski 3703
Oral Effects of noise on errors, injuries and subjective health of hospital staff Andrew Smith 2458
Oral Impact of noise on communication and concentration during surgeries Sandra Keller 3889
Oral How does staff perceive the sound environment in operating theaters and treatment rooms with the present standards and building regulations? Maria Quinn 3669
Oral Effective open learning landscapes and the well-being of teachers and students Colin Campbell 3741
Oral Writing performance in open-plan study environments: a laboratory study Ella Braat-Eggen 3665
Oral Listening efficiency in university classrooms:  a comparison between native and non-native listeners  Chiara Visentin 3604
Oral Health effect of variation in noise absorption in open-plan office: a cross-over design field study  Nils Rage 3760
Oral Distraction distance predicts noise disturbance in open-plan offices Valtteri Hongisto 4058
Oral A simple sound metric for evaluating sound annoyance in open-plan offices Patrick Chevret 3570
Oral Why are Background Telephone Conversations Distracting? John Everett Marsh 3647
Oral Improving both cognitive performance and subjective evaluations in open-plan offices by combining partial maskers Sabine Schlittmeier 4019
Oral Evaluation of measures for the reduction of impairment by background speech at office workplaces: Comparison of measurements and listening tests Andreas Liebl 4024
Oral The effect of acoustic design on performance in office rooms Valtteri Hongisto 4057
Oral Effects of Noise on Risky Decision Making and Decision Confidence Marc Syndicus 3947
Oral Context specific analysis of the sound environment at the workplace and its meaning for a task Jikke Reinten 3862
Oral An Attempt to Predict ISE by a Spectral Estimator Toros Ufuk Senan 3626
Poster Occupational noise exposure and the risk for work-related injuries: A systematic review and meta-analysis Angel Dzhambov 2448
Poster The Bigger the Better and the More the Merrier? Realistic Office Reverberation Levels Abolish Cognitive Distraction by Multiple-Voice Speech François Vachon 2823
Poster Interrelations between noise and patients’ critical states during surgeries Sandra Keller 3896
Poster Dental equipment noise on dental anxiety and its noise reduction Cheuk Ming Mak 3508
Poster Prior and current noise exposure: effects on university students' wellbeing and attainment Andrew Smith 2489

Subject area 5: Effects of noise on sleep

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Review of research on the effects of noise on sleep over the last 3 years  Sarah McGuire 3999
Oral WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region:  A systematic review on environmental noise and effects on sleep Sarah McGuire 3943
Oral The significance of autonomic arousals during sleep Barbara Griefahn 3939
Oral Spindle density and arousability from acoustic stimulation during sleep Franziska Rudzik 3913
Oral Temporal variation of transportation noise during sleep impacts on glucose metabolism Laurie Thiesse 3938
Oral Pilot Study Examining the Effects of Aircraft Noise on Sleep in Communities Near Philadelphia International Airport Mathias Basner 3957
Oral A comparison of the effects of night time air traffic noise on sleep at Cologne/Bonn and Frankfurt Airport after the night flight ban Uwe Müller 3726
Oral Association between residents’ attitude towards air traffic and their objective sleep quality at Frankfurt Airport. Eva-Maria Elmenhorst 3893
Oral Investigating the impact of nocturnal aircraft noise on children’s sleep, cognitive performance, and annoyance: The MIDAS-study Susanne Bartels 3750
Oral Nocturnal road traffic noise and children’s sleep duration Kjell Vegard Weyde 3623
Oral The effects of aircraft noise exposure on subjective sleep quality:  the results of the DEBATS study in France Ali Mohamed Nassur 2441
Oral Rail traffic noise and sleep disturbances Tonje Veronika Antonsen 3618
Oral The effect on sleep of nocturnal exposure to noise and vibration from rail traffic Irene van Kamp 3557
Oral On the possibility of deriving a common dose response relationsship of sleep disturbance due to vibration from field and laboratory studies. Kerstin Persson-Waye 3899
Oral Wind Turbine Noise Effects on Sleep: The WiTNES study Michael Smith 3704
Oral Epidemiological Study of Aircraft Noise using Sheet-Shaped Sleep Meter: Measurement of Motility, Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate Junta Tagusari 4053
Oral On the application of two statistical approaches to establish noise exposure-response relationships from repeated binary observations Beat Schäffer 3583
Poster Cross-country comparison of aircraft noise-induced sleep disturbance Sarah McGuire 3948
Poster FAA studies on the effects of aircraft noise on sleep Natalia Sizov 3558
Poster Higher noise tolerance may be associated with more refreshing sleep Daniel Fong 3559
Poster An Affordable Recording Instrument for the Acoustical Characterisation of Human Environments   Huub Bakker 3654

Subject area 6: Community response to noise and noise annoyance

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Recent progress in the field of community response to noise Sabine Janssen 3983
Oral Effects of noise on the wellbeing of rail staff Andrew Smith 2460
Oral The opening of a new terminal building and its influences on community response around Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport: Comparison between Arrival and Departure sides Thao Linh Nguyen 3569
Oral Annoyance response to helicopter noise Sabine Janssen 3985
Oral Exposure, annoyance, and sensitivity to noise in informal settlements in the Western Cape province, South Africa Martina Ragettli 4006
Oral The noise pollution perception in the city of Milan: analysis of registered complains by the population Giovanni Zambon 3963
Oral Bias due to Nonresponse in Noise Annoyance Surveys? Heidi Bruderer Enzler 3577
Oral Secondary analysis of social survey on community response to transportation vibration in Japan Shigenori Yokoshima 3792
Oral A review of the human exposure-response to amplitude-modulated wind turbine noise: health effects, influences on community annoyance, methods of control and mitigation Michael Lotinga 3809
Oral Noise annoyance caused by large wind turbines – a dose-response relationship Valtteri Hongisto 4059
Oral Standardized questions and scales for social surveys Truls Gjestland 2449
Oral First results of the development of a multiple-item annoyance scale (MIAS) Dirk Schreckenberg 3634
Oral Comparison of annoyance response measured with ICBEN 5-point verbal and 11-point numerical scales in Japanese and Vietnamese Thulan Nguyen 3992
Oral How to test noise annoyance models based on psychoacoustic indices using socio-acoustic survey data? The case of aircraft noise annoyance models Catherine Marquis-Favre 3566
Oral Annoyance due to railway noise and vibrations: A comparison of two methods of collecting annoyance scores Philéas Maigrot 3694
Oral Community response to mixed traffic noise sources: assessing the overall effects of a soundscape Peter Lercher 3958
Oral Effects of floor impact noise on people – annoyance and physiological responses Sang Hee Park 2453
Oral Dose-response curves for satisfactory sound insulation between dwellings Jens Holger Rindel 3813
Oral Perceived sound quality in dwellings in Norway Anders Løvstad 3814
Poster What is a safe noise level for the public? Daniel Fink 2330
Poster Living environment survey along Hokuriku Shinkansen railway: Social survey conducted one year after opening Takashi Morihara 3739
Poster Community Tolerance Level for transportation noises derived from Socio-Acoustic Survey Data Archive, SASDA Makoto Morinaga 3876
Poster Annoyance due to railway noise before and after the elevation of the conventional railway. Tsubasa Shimokawatoko 3874
Poster Attitudes towards authorities and aircraft noise annoyance. Sensitivity analyses on the relationship between non-acoustical factors and annoyance.  Dirk Schreckenberg 3636
Poster Community response to environmental noise: A preliminary soundscape assessment of highland environment Nazli Che Din 3608
Poster Problems of noise annoyance in the newly built apartment buildings in Slovakia Lubica Argalasova 3678
Poster Soundscape pleasantness in urban places: dimensions and relation with health aspects Karmele Herranz-Pascual 3761
Poster Association between different indices of greenspace “exposure” and noise annoyance in youth Angel Dzhambov 3699
Poster A Case Study on Perception of Noise Policy and Relation to Noise Complaints Nilgün Akbulut Coban 3922
Poster Quantifying socioacusia in Uruguayan young people Alice Elizabeth Gonzalez 4070

Subject area 7: Noise policy and economics

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Review of environmental noise policies and economics in 2014-2016 Dietrich Schwela 3611
Oral Review of the effect of transport noise interventions on human health: policy implications and future research Alan Lex Brown 3679
Oral Economic impacts of noise and hearing loss in America Richard Neitzel 4054
Oral Best practice for cost/benefit based decisions on abatement of traffic noise Bert Peeters 3732
Oral Managing ‘kaman’ (noise) impacts and expectations in a changing city centre, Wollongong, Australia. Suri Mora 3509
Oral Application of noise mapping in an Indian opencast mine for effective noise management Veena Manwar 3730
Oral Road traffic noise exposure scenarios 2015 - 2035 for Gothenburg, Sweden Mikael Ögren 4063
Oral Willingness to pay in the Rhine-Main region according to aircraft noise, railway noise, road traffic noise Kerstin Giering 3579
Oral Respite from Aircraft Noise Nicole Porter 3936
Oral One Justice for All? Noise Pollution and Different Notions of Distributive Justice Heidi Bruderer Enzler 3649
Oral Socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities in transport-related outdoor noise at residence in London  Daniela Fecht 3934
Oral Environmental noise challenges and policies in low and middle income countries Dietrich Schwela 3612
Oral The Noise Landscape: understanding the spatial impacts of noise in European airport peripheries Eirini Kasioumi 4355
Poster How to establish a better information disclosure system on noise and environment  - Concept proposals of information disclosure and a noise experience tool - Mari Ueda 3799

Subject area 8: Noise exposure assessment in health effect studies

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral The inadequacy of the A-frequency weighting for the assessment of adverse effects on human populations Bruce Rapley 3873
Oral Predicting aircraft noise annoyance: exploring noise metrics other than Lden Oscar Breugelmans 3670
Oral A statistical model to predict sound level differences between in- and outdoors Barbara Locher 3763
Oral Assessing the relationship of indoor and outdoor noise at residential dwellings in London Faridah Naim 3945
Oral Validation of the exposure modelling within SiRENE by long-term measurements Felix Schlatter 3949
Oral Towards an uncertainty analysis for parametric aircraft system noise prediction Lothar Bertsch 3937
Oral Uncertainty of calculated noise levels and its influence on exposure-response-relationship in the NORAH-project Manfred Liepert 3970
Oral Addressing confounding by air pollution in studies of noise and health: the relationship of measured noise and ultra-fine particles John Gulliver 3841
Oral Uncorrelated components of Noise and PM exposure give opportunities to disentangle health effects of noise and air pollution. Luc Dekoninck 3935
Oral Development of a national job exposure matrix for occupational noise in the US Richard Neitzel 4055
Poster Health risk assessment for large industrial cities population under the noise exposure Dmitrii Koshurnikov 3931

Subject area 9: Special topics related to noise effects

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Overview of the topic “Interactions with other agents and contextual factors” Adrian Fuente 4052
Oral Consciousness of Individual Noise Pollution Behavior of the German Population Jördis Wothge 3805
Oral The influence of audio-visual aptitude on audio-visual interaction in appraisal of the environment Dick Botteldooren 3838
Oral Good acoustic architecture for streetscapes Inès Neuhaus 3898
Oral Effects of anthropogenic sound on terrestrial ecosystems: a review of recent evidence Guillaume Dutilleux 3926
Oral Ears II - Development of an ultrasound measurement technique for use in occupational safety Christian Ullisch-Nelken 3585
Poster The “Hearwig“ as hearing protector for musicians – a practical investigation Andrea Wolff 3616

Subject area 10: Low frequency noise and vibration

Format Title Primary author ID
Oral Case Report: Cross-Sensitisation to infrasound and low frequency noise Bruce Rapley 3872
Oral Hearing threshold measurements of infrasound combined with audio frequency sound Elisa Burke 3574
Oral Effect on Measured Hearing Threshold of Low Frequency Noise by Various Test Methods Toshiya Kitamura 3956
Oral Frequency Weighting for the Evaluation of Human Response to Low-Frequency Noise based on the Physiological Evidence of the Vestibular System Junta Tagusari 4050
Oral Evaluation of the health effects related to low frequency noise and infrasound from wind farms: results and conclusions from an independent collective expertise in France. Philippe Lepoutre 2487
Oral Evaluation of Wind Turbine Noise in Japan Akira Shimada 3584
Oral Resolution Improvement of Low Frequency Noise Sources in Acoustic Holography  Hee-Min Noh 3581
Oral Project review: elastic decoupling of a large roller grinder Thomas Schönherr 3586
Oral Burden of disease from exposure to low frequency noise:  a Dutch inventory.  Irene van Kamp 3691
Oral Annoying Low Level Sound Rudolf Bütikofer 3625
Oral A new methodology for investigating IFLN complains Steven Cooper 3659
Oral Study on human reactions to vibration from blasting activities nearby dwellings Iiris Turunen-Rindel 3909
Oral A Citizen Science Initiative: Acoustical Characterisation of Human Environments Huub Bakker 3653
Oral Regulating low frequency noise from industry  - a practical approach Gordon Downey 3656
Oral Vibration measurement as a tool to solve a murder David Eager 2829
Poster The different evaluation-methods of the wind farm noise in Switzerland - Computer models / IN-SITU measurements Victor Desarnaulds 2382
Poster Exploring perception of vibrations from rail: an interview study. Laura Maclachlan 3722
Poster Laboratory measurement of vibration and secondary noise transmission loss for rubber elastomer mats Hui Li 3797
Poster Experiences of a Polyurethane-Manufacturer with the Elastic Decoupling of Machines Thomas Schönherr 3601
Poster An investigation on the interaction analysis of beam - active isolator with low suspension frequency Khairiah Turahim 3631
Poster Reducing playground injuries by increasing HIC sampling rate from 8 kHz to 20 kHz David Eager 2411
Poster Double bounce vibration on trampolines and associated injuries David Eager 2410