Team 4 Roundtable 2 – What is noise

25/11/2024 9.00-10.30 GMT


The topic of the roundtable was “What is Noise”. 

The official ICBEN definition “Noise is unwanted and/or harmful sound” was discussed as well as different definitions of noise. The subjective and objective components of noise were discussed as was the definition of noise from the perspective of Team 4, which is the influence of noise on behavior and performance. 

The recording of the session is available here; password n$q%*C4p.


Attendees: Jessica Massonnie, Jenni Radun, David Welch, Wolfgang Ellermeier, Sara Pitkänen, Claudia Kawai, Candace Donovan, Jiana Wu, Sam Wass, Daniel Shepherd, Karen Zimmer, James Baggot


Selective reference list: 


Fink, D., (2020). A new definition of noise: noise is unwanted and/or harmful sound. Noise is the new ‘secondhand smoke’. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 39, 050002.


Liu, F., et al., 2018. On the definition of noise. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9:406.