Report of inaugural Team 4 meeting:
Effects of Noise on Behaviour and Performance
8.00-9.00 GMT
Ten members gathered at our inaugural meeting, which was
moderated by our Chair (Dr Jessica Massonnie), co-Chair (Dr Jenni Radun), with
the presence of our ICBEN Vice President Dr David Welch.
The meeting provided a summary of the ICBEN Constitution and of
the Team 4 research areas, with an overview of our members’ expertise. The team
comprises experts in Audiology, Psychology, Psycholinguistics, Neurophysiology,
Epidemiology, Physics, and Civil Engineering - a rich and diverse group!
Attendees: Jiana Wu, Emily Phillips, Marion Burgess, Chiara
Visenti, Claudia Kawai, Valterri Hongisto, Jenni Radun, David Welch, Jessica
Possible options for Team 4 actions were discussed and the
general conclusion was that the most important thing is to have some action and
networking possibilities between the conferences. It was decided to start with
roundtable discussions on specific topics three times a year. Noise
sensitivity, Cognitive Effort, the Impact of Noise on Neurodiverse Individuals,
and School noise emerged as topics of special interest. The roundtable would be
preceded by a short presentation from our members (5-15 minutes) which would
provide a prompt for the discussion. The meetings will be open for anyone
interested to join. A list of resources could be disseminated on the ICBEN
website after the roundtable, alongside the recording.
Slides are available here