Dear Colleagues
ICBEN 2014, the 11th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, will be held in Nara, Japan from 2014 June 1 to June 5. The Congress is co-organized by the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of Japan (INCE/J) and the Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ) under the auspices of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN). The organizers and the Organizing Committee of the Congress extend a warm welcome to all prospective participants worldwide and invite all to join us in Nara to discuss the latest advancements in biological effects of noise and noise policies.
The officers and team chairs of ICBEN will organize plenary and parallel sessions on gNoise-induced hearing loss (Team 1),h gNoise and communication (Team 2),h gNon-auditory effects of noise (Team 3),h gInfluence of noise on performance and behavior (Team 4),h gEffects of noise on sleep (Team 5),h gCommunity response to noise (Team 6),h gNoise and animals (Team 7),h gInteractions with other agents and contextual factors (Team 8)h and gPolicy and economics (Team 9).h Research papers in these and related fields are welcome.
Nara City is the present capital of Nara Prefecture, where is easily accessible from international flights, and was an ancient capital of Japan 1,300 years ago. ICBEN 2014 will be held at the Nara Prefectural New Public Hall (Big Roof). The Big Roof is located to the east of downtown and in the center of Nara (Deer) Park surrounded by many temples and shrines designated as the world cultural heritages. Nara is the birthplace of Japanese wine (Sake) and has healthy and delicious local cuisine. It is our great pleasure to welcome you to ICBEN 2014 and Nara, culturally marvelous city. We are sure that you will enjoy all aspects of the Congress and Japanese culture in Nara. We look forward to meeting you in Nara.
Takashi Yano, Congress Chair
On behalf of the ICBEN 2014 Congress Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee
Congress chair: Prof. Takashi Yano
Congress co-Chair & International manager: Dr. Lawrence Finegold
Congress co-Chair & Proceeding editor: Dr. Shigenori Yokoshima
Publicity chair: Dr. Makoto Morinaga
Sponsorship manager: Prof. Yasunao Matsumoto
Exhibition manager: Dr. Takeshi Akita
Subsidy manager: Prof. Tetsumi Sato
Environmental management representative: Dr. Takashi Morihara
Congress treasurer: Dr. Masaaki Hiroe
Advisor: Dr. Ichiro Yamada
Secretary General: Dr. Keiji Kawai
Contact us
Conference Secretariat: secretariat@icben2014.com