Welcome to the full collection of the ICBEN 2008 congress, held in Mashantucket, Foxwoords, CT, July 21st - 25th, 2008.

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Index of papers (per session) and posters
(* only abstract available)





Opening Session

  Governor's Proclamation Official statement by Her Excellency M. Jodi Rell, Governor of the State of Connecticut
Kenneth M. Eldred Dedication to Henning von Gierke
Barbara Griefahn Dedication to Alexander Samel
Gerd Jansen Outlines of ICBEN
Adrian Davis

Noise: Public health challenges and solutions

Roger L. Gentry Review of underwater noise and its effects on marine animals*
James A. Simmons

Banquet Talk
Effects of environmental sounds on bat sonar*


Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Chair: Mariola Sliwinska-Kowalska; Thais Morata
Co-chair: Adrian Davis; Robert Dobie



Mariola Sliwinska-Kowalska Noise-induced hearing loss in humans – 5 year update*
Sharon G. Kujawa Acute, chronic and delayed consequences of noise exposure in animal models – 5 year update*
Robert A. Dobie Relative contributions of aging and noise to the overall societal burden of adult hearing loss*
Adrian Davis, Russell Ecob, Pauline Smith The relationships between work-based noise over the adult life course and hearing in middle age
Deanna K. Meinke, William Hal Martin, Susan E. Griest, Linda Howarth, Judith L. Sober, Theresa Scarlotta Dangerous Decibels® I: Noise induced hearing loss and tinnitus prevention in children. Noise exposures, epidemiology, detection, interventions and resources
Elliott H. Berger, Jeremie Voix, Lee D. Hager Methods of fit testing hearing protectors, with representative field test data
Brian Fligor Risk for NIHL from personal listening devices*
Helmut Strasser, Min-Chi Chiu, Oliver Müller Threshold shifts and restitution of the hearing after energy-equivalent noise exposures with an equal NRC-value and non-equal frequency composition
Yi-ming Zhao, Roger P. Hamernik, Lin Zeng, Xiao-ru Cheng, Shan-song Chen, Wei Qiu, Bob Davis Dose-response relationship for noise induced hearing loss in impulse noise and continuous noise exposure workers by kurtosis adjusting exchange rate*
Noah Seixas, Patrick Feeney, David Mills, Richard Folsom, Lianne Sheppard, Richard Neitzel, Sharon Kujawa Opportunities and challenges in longitudinal assessment of hearing parameters among construction workers*
William Hal Martin, Deanna K. Meinke, Judith L. Sobel, Susan E. Griest, Linda C. Howarth Dangerous Decibels® II: Critical components for an effective educational program and special considerations for hearing loss prevention devices for children
Pierre Campo, Katy Maguin Effects of aromatic solvents on acoustic reflexes
Thais C. Morata, Mariola Sliwinska-Kowalska, Ann-Christin Johnson, Jukka Starck, Krystyna Pawlas, Ewa Zamyslowska-Szmytke, Per Nylen, Esko Toppila, Edward Krieg, Deepak Prasher A European multicenter study on the audiometric findings of styrene-exposed workers*



Lin Zeng, Dong-liang Chai, Hui-juan Li, Zhuo Lei, Yi-ming Zhao Personal noise exposure assessment of overhead-traveling crane drivers in steel-rolling mills
Gerald Fleischer, Reinhard Müller Acoustics versus insight: Strategies against noise-induced auditory damages
Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar, Raja Ahmad, Azizi Ayob, Wan Ishlah Ratio of total cholesterol over HDL is a better hyperlipidemia indicator for sensorineural hearing loss?*
Tony Leroux, Adriana Lacerda, Jean-Pierre Gagné Auditory effects of chronic exposure to carbon monoxide and noise among workers
Deanna K. Meinke, Barden B. Stagner, Brenda L. Lonsbury-Martin, Glen K. Martin Detailed DPOAE level/phase maps provide insight into normal and noise-damaged human ears*
A. Shubhra Shanker, Imran Dhamani, B. Rajashekar Use of narrow band noise to screen for cochlear dead regions*
Adrian Fuente Central auditory dysfunction associated with solvent exposure*
Ewa Zamyslowska-Szmytke, Adrian Fuente, Mariola Sliwinska-Kowalska Temporal processing disorders associated with styrene exposure*
Malgorzata Pawelczyk, Lut van Laer, Annelies Konings, Elzbieta Rajkowska, Adam Dudarewicz, Erik Fransen, Guy van Camp, Mariola Sliwinska-Kowalska The contribution of genetic variations to the individual susceptibility to noise*
Jennifer Tufts, Paul K. Weathersby, Gales Ferry User-friendly parameterizations of an unscreened population dataset for the prediction of noise- and age-related hearing threshold shifts*
Thais C. Morata, Angela Maria Fontana Zocoli, Jair Mendes Marques Audiological characteristics, attitudes and habits of Brazilian young adults and noise*
Mariola Sliwinska-Kowalska, Ferdinando Grandori, Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner, Arne Ernst, Thomas Janssen, Sophia Kramer, Stefan Stenfelt, Rudolf Probst, Adrian Davis AHEAD III - Assessment of hearing in the elderly: Aging and degeneration - integration through immediate intervention*
Deanna K. Meinke, Noel Dice Comparison of school-based hearing screening protocols and the identification of noise induced hearing loss in adolescents
William Hal Martin, Susan E. Griest, Judith L. Sobel Changing knowledge, attitudes and intended behaviors regarding sound exposure in high school students: A challenging target group*
Theresa Y. Schulz, Güner Gürtunca, Mark Stephenson, Robert Randolph, Geoffrey M. Calvert, RJ Matetic, Pete Kovalchik, William J. Murphy, Rick Davis The CDC/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Hearing Loss Prevention Research Strategic Plan*
Ann-Christin Johnson, Gunnel Backenroth-Ohsako, Barbara Canlon, Björn Hagerman, Nancy L. Pedersen, Ulf Rosenhall, Thöres Theorell, Mats Ulfendahl Different approaches towards knowledge about noise induced hearing loss in working life*
Vic S. Gladstone, George O. Purvis, Dennis Burrows Educating the public about the safe usage of personal audio technology*
Yori Kanekama, David Downs A university-based hearing conservation program for high school students
Madeleine J. Kerr, OiSaeng Hong, Sally L. Lusk Theory-based health communication interventions to prevent NIHL*
Judith L. Sobel Communicating hearing protection behaviors in adolescents
Ingrid M. Blood, Gordon W. Blood A university course on preventing hearing loss
William Hal Martin, Genevieve Y. Martin, Susan E. Griest, William E. Lambert How loud is your music? Beliefs and practices regarding use of personal stereo systems*
William Hal Martin, Genevieve Y. Martin Meet Jolene: An inexpensive device for doing public health research and education on personal stereo systems
Søren Peter Lund, Gitte B. Kristiansen, Pierre Campo

Hearing loss in rats from combined exposure to carbon monoxide, toluene and impulsive noise


Noise and Communication

Chair: Christian Giguère
Co-chair: Chantal Laroche; Anthony Brammer



Pierre Deshaies, Richard Martin, Danny Belzile, Pauline Fortier, Chantal Laroche, Serge-André Girard, Tony Leroux, Hughes Nélisse, Robert Arcand, Maurice Poulin, Michel Picard Noise as an explanatory factor in work-related fatality reports: A descriptive study
Christian Giguère, Chantal Laroche, Rida Al Osman, Yun Zheng Optimal installation of audible warning systems in the noisy workplace
Søren Peter Lund, Berit Grevstad, Jesper Kristiansen Test of hearing loss and hearing impairment in employees complaining of noise annoyance
Chantal Laroche, Christian Giguère, Sigfrid D. Soli, Véronique Vaillancourt Establishment of fitness standards for hearing-critical jobs
Payam Ezzatian, Liang Li, Kathy Pichora-Fuller, Bruce A. Schneider Effect of priming and amplitude fluctuations on age-related differences in release from informational masking*
Josée Lagacé, Benoît Jutras, Jean-Pierre Gagné Understanding the listening problems in noise experimented by children with Auditory Processing Disorders
Anthony J. Brammer, Gongqiang Yu, Donald R. Peterson, Eric R. Bernstein, Martin G. Cherniack Hearing protection and communication in an age of digital signal processing: Progress and prospects
Richard H. Lyon High output ear canal transducer for active noise reduction
Karen L. Payton, Mona Shrestha Evaluation of short-time speech-based intelligibility metrics
Muhammed Ayas, Imran Dhamani, B. Rajashekhar Speech recognition in fluctuating background noise in presence of envelope and fine structure cues: Implications in cochlear implants*


Barry Blesser, Linda-Ruth Salter

The unexamined rewards for excessive loudness


Non-Auditory Effects of Noise

Chair: Irene van Kamp; Hugh Davies
Co-chair: Hugh Davies; Irene van Kamp



Hugh Davies, Irene van Kamp Environmental noise and cardiovascular disease: Five year review and future directions
Wolfgang Babisch, Danny Houthuijs, Göran Pershagen, Klea Katsouyanni, Manolis Velonakis, Ennio Cadum, Lars Jarup Hypertension and exposure to noise near airports - results of the HYENA Study
R.F. Soames Job, Chika Sakashita Conceptual differences between experimental and epidemiological approaches to assessing the causal role of noise in health effects
Goran Belojevic, Branko Jakovljevic, Katarina Paunovic, Vesna Stojanov, Jelena Ilic Urban road-traffic noise and blood pressure in school children
Yvonne de Kluizenaar, F.J. van Lenthe, H.M.E. Miedema, J.P. Mackenbach Road traffic noise and air pollution exposure and incidence of cardiovascular events*
Danny Houthuijs, Rob Beelen, Gerard Hoek, Bert Brunekreef, Piet A. van den Brandt, Leo J. Schouten, R. Alexandra Goldbohm, Paul Fischer, Ben Armstrong The association of noise and air pollution from road traffic with cardiovascular mortality*
Irene van Kamp, Hugh Davies Environmental noise and mental health: Five year review and future directions
Jesper Kristiansen, Thomas Clausen, Karl Bang Christensen, Thomas Lund Self-reported noise exposure as a risk factor for long-term sickness absence
Anker Jensen, Søren Peter Lund, Thorsten Lücke

Health effects and noise exposure among flight-line mainteners

Masamitsu Miyakawa, Toshihito Matsui, Iwao Uchiyama, Kozo Hiramatsu, Naoki Hayashi, Iwao Morita, Kenichi Morio, Koichi Yamashita, Shinji Ohashi Relationship between subjective health and disturbances of daily life due to aircraft noise exposure - Questionnaire study conducted around Narita International Airport -
Peter Lercher, Bram de Greve, Dick Botteldooren, Luc Dekoninck, Dietmar Oettl, Ullrich Uhrner, Johannes Rüdisser Health effects and major co-determinants associated with rail and road noise exposure along transalpine traffic corridors


Hugh W. Davies, P.A. Demers, M. Buzzelli, M. Brauer Joint effects of noise and air pollution: A progress report on the Vancouver retrospective cohort study*
Mary Ellen Eagan, Grant Anderson, Bradley Nicholas, Richard Horonjeff, Terry Tivnan Relation between aircraft noise reduction in schools and standardized test scores
R.F. Soames Job Stress-related personality tests and noise effects: New evidence but old interpretations*
Toshihito Matsui, Takashi Uehara, Takashi Miyakita, Kozo Hiramatsu, Takeo Yamamoto

Dose-response relationship between hypertension and aircraft noise exposure around Kadena airfield in Okinawa



Noise and Performance

Chair: Charlotte Clark
Co-chair: Patrik Sörqvist



Charlotte Clark The influence of noise on performance and behavior – 5 year update
Dylan Jones, Robert Hughes, John Marsh, William Macken Varieties of auditory distraction
Bridget Shield, Julie Dockrell The effects of classroom and environmental noise on children's academic performance
Göran Söderlund, Sverker Sikström

Positive effects of noise on cognitve performance: Explaining the Moderate Brain Arousal model

Staffan Hygge, Ingela Enmarker, Eva Boman A comparison of structural equation models of memory performance across noise conditions and age groups
Annu Haapakangas, Miia Haka, Esko Keskinen, Valtteri Hongisto Effect of speech intelligibility on task performance – an experimental laboratory study
Lily M. Wang, Cathleen C. Novak Effects of building mechanical system noise with fluctuations on human performance and perception*
Robert Ljung, Anders Kjellberg

Recall of spoken words presented with a prolonged reverberation time

Patrik Sörqvist, Niklas Halin, Staffan Hygge Disruption of reading comprehension by irrelevant speech: The role of updating in working memory
Valtteri Hongisto, Annu Haapakangas, Miia Haka Task performance and speech intelligibility – a model to promote noise control actions in open offices


Ron Aylward, Hennie Esterhuizen Student performance when taught in a noisy environment*
Penny Bergman, Daniel Västfjäll, Erkin Asutay, Ana Tajadura, Anders Sköld, Anders Genell, Niklas Fransson Emoacoustics: Sound character versus source meaning in emotional responses to sounds*
Hsiaochuan Chen The effect of school location on retention of knowledge learned from an educational hearing conservation program
David Downs, Barbara Gonzalez, Yori Kanekama, Lisa Belt Effects of hearing protection on auditory annoyance from ultrasonic scalers used by dental hygiene students*
Annu Haapakangas, Riikka Helenius, Esko Keskinen, Valtteri Hongisto Perceived acoustic environment, work performance and well-being – survey results from Finnish offices
Valtteri Hongisto Effects of sound masking on workers – a case study in a landscaped office
Robert Ljung, Anders Kjellberg, Anne-Marie Green Memory of a text heard in noise
Sanjeev Kumar Shrivatava, Kailash

Causes and effects of noise pollution: An overview*



Effects of Noise on Sleep

Chair: Barbara Griefahn; Kenneth I. Hume
Co-chair: Kenneth I. Hume; Barbara Griefahn




Kenneth I. Hume Sleep disturbance due to noise: Research over the last and next five years
Mathias Basner, Eva-Maria Elmenhorst, Hartmut Maass, Uwe Müller, Julia Quehl, Martin Vejvoda Single and combined effects of air, road and rail traffic noise on sleep
Evy Öhrström, Mikael Ögren, Tomas Jerson, Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson Experimental studies on sleep disturbances due to railway and road traffic noise
Barbara Griefahn, Anke Marks, Sibylle Robens Temporally limited nocturnal traffic curfews to prevent noise induced sleep disturbances
M.A. Graham, S.A. Janssen, W. Passchier-Vermeer, H. Vos, H.M.E. Miedema Habitual traffic noise at home reduces overall cardiac parasympathetic tone during sleep*
Mathias Basner Nocturnal aircraft noise exposure increases objectively assessed daytime sleepiness*
Jesper Kristiansen, Roger Persson, Jonas Björk, Maria Albin, Kristina Jakobsson, Per-Olof Östergren, Jonas Ardö, Emilie Stroh Mental distress and modeled traffic noise exposure as determinants of self-reported sleep problems
Joos Vos Sleep disturbance caused by impulse sounds


Mathias Basner, Uwe Siebert Markov State Transition Models for the prediction of changes in sleep structure induced by aircraft noise
Mathias Basner, Uwe Müller, Eva-Maria Elmenhorst, Barbara Griefahn Aircraft noise effects on sleep: A systematic comparison of EEG awakenings and automatically detected cardiac arousals
Barbara Griefahn, Sibylle Robens, Peter Bröde, Mathias Basner The sleep disturbance index – a measure for structural alterations of sleep due to environmental influences
Hui-Juan Li, Wen-Bo Yu, Jing-Qiao Lu, Lin Zeng, Nan Li, Yi-Ming Zhao Investigation of road traffic noise and annoyance in Beijing:
A cross-sectional study of 4th Ring Road
Nicholas P. Miller, Robin C. Gardner How many people will be awakened by nighttime aircraft noise?
Edward T. Nykaza, George A. Luz, Larry L. Pater Field research on the assessment of community impacts from large weapons noise
Mikael Ögren, Evy Öhrström, Tomas Jerson Noise and vibration generation for laboratory studies on sleep disturbance
Sandra Pirrera, Elke De Valck, Raymond Cluydts

Nocturnal road traffic noise and sleep: Day-by-day variability assessed by actigraphy and sleep logs during a one week sampling. Preliminary findings



Community Response to Noise

Chair: Truls Gjestland

Co-chair: Soogab Lee



Truls Gjestland Research on community response to noise - in the last five years
Peter Lercher, Bram de Greve, Dick Botteldooren, Johannes Rüdisser A comparison of regional noise-annoyance-curves in alpine areas with the European standard curve
Tetsuya Kaneko, Kyoichi Goto Dose-response relationship between aircraft noise and annoyance around an airport in Japan
Jacques Lambert, Chrystèle Philipps-Bertin Perception and attitudes to transportation noise in France: A national survey
Jin Yong Jeon, Pyoung Jik Lee, Jin You Community annoyance from road traffic noise and construction noise in urban spaces
Soogab Lee, Jiyoung Hong, Jaehwan Kim, Changwoo Lim, Kyutae Kim Exposure-response relationships on community annoyance to transportation noise
Sabine Anne Janssen, H. Vos, E.E.M.M. van Kempen, O.R.P. Breugelmans, H.M.E. Miedema Trends in annoyance by aircraft noise*
Pyoung Jik Lee, Jin Yong Jeon Soundwalk for evaluating community noise annoyance in urban spaces
Lex Brown, Irene van Kamp Estimating the magnitude of the change effect
Atsushi Ota, Shigenori Yokoshima, Akihiro Tamura The metrics of mixed traffic noise: Results of simulated environment experiments


Dick Botteldooren, Bert De Coensel, Birgitta Berglund, Mats E. Nilsson, Peter Lercher Modeling the role of attention in the assessment of environmental noise annoyance
James P. Cowan The results of hum studies in the United States
Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, Evy Öhrström The effectiveness of quiet asphalt and earth berm in reducing annoyances due to road traffic noise in a residential area
Branko Jakovljevic, Goran Belojevic, Katarina Paunovic Acoustical factors influencing noise annoyance of urban population
Maarten Kroesen, Eric J.E. Molin, Henk M.E. Miedema, Henk Vos, Sabine A. Janssen, Bert van Wee A measurement model for general negative reaction to noise
Maarten Kroesen, Pieter Jan M. Stallen, Eric J.E. Molin, Henk M.E. Miedema, Henk Vos, Sabine A. Janssen, Bert van Wee Assessing the role of mediators in the noise-health relationship via Structural Equation analysis
Kin-che Lam, Wai-hong Au Human annoyance response to a step change in noise exposure following opening of a new railway extension in Hong Kong
Peter Lercher, Bram de Greve, Dick Botteldooren, Marine Baulac, Jérome Defrance, Johannes Rüdisser The effect on annoyance estimation of noise modeling procedures
Hui Ma, Takashi Yano Study on sound environment and community response to noise in Tianjin, a Chinese city*
Takashi Morihara, Tetsumi Sato, Takashi Yano Influence of attitudes to noise sources on annoyance
Katarina Paunovic, Branko Jakovljevic, Goran Belojevic The importance of non-acoustical factors on noise annoyance of urban residents
Hai Anh Thi Phan, Tsuyoshi Nishimura, Hai Yen Thi Phan, Takashi Yano, Tetsumi Sato, Yoritaka Hashimoto Annoyance from road traffic noise with horn sounds: A cross-cultural experiment between Vietnamese and Japanese
Hai Yen Thi Phan, Takashi Yano, Hai Anh Thi Phan, Tsuyoshi Nishimura, Tetsumi Sato, Yoritaka Hashimoto, Nguyen Thu Lan Social surveys on community response to road traffic noise in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City
David Waddington, Paul Kendrick, Geoff Kerry, Matthew Muirhead, Ray Browne The improvement of helicopter noise management in the UK
Ichiro Yamada, Jiro Kaku, Takatoshi Yokota, Seiichiro Namba, Seigou Ogata A new method of social survey on transportation noise using the Internet and GIS
Shigenori Yokoshima, Takashi Morihara, Atsushi Ota, Akihiro Tamura Reanalysis of dose-response curves for Shinkansen railway noise
Jin You, Jin Yong Jeon Sound-masking technique for combined noise exposure in open public spaces


Noise and Animals

Chair: Mardi C. Hastings



Kurt Fristrup, Jesse Barber The costs of lost auditory awareness for wildlife and park visitors*
Mardy C. Hastings, Arthur N. Popper Evolution of noise exposure criteria for fishes*
David K. Delaney, Susan B. Blaeser Introduction of the new ASA Subcommittee on Animal Bioacoustics*
Cornelius (Neil) Huybregts Protecting horses from excessive music noise – a case study


Noise Policies: Regulations and Standards

Chair: Larry S. Finegold; Jacques Lambert
Co-chair: Jacques Lambert; Larry S. Finegold



Laurence S. Finegold, Carl Oliva, Jacques Lambert Progress on development of noise policies from 2003-2008
Brigitta Berglund, Stephen Stansfeld, Rokho Kim Overview of the World Health Organization Workshop on Aircraft Noise and Health
Michel Vallet Airport noise policies in Europe : The contribution of human sciences research
Mathias Basner Aircraft noise effects on sleep: Substantiation of the DLR protection concept for airport Leipzig/Halle
Dieter Schwela, Larry S. Finegold, John Stewart A strategic approach on environmental noise management in developing countries
Mikael Ögren, Henrik Andersson Road noise charges based on the marginal cost principle
George A. Luz Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a model for the process of the development of national noise regulations
Sergio Luzzi, Raffaella Bellomini, Claudia Romero Acoustical design of hospitals: Standards and priority indexes
Peer Jansen Requirements for criteria and emission limits in view of social adequacy – codified law aspects


Mark Brink, Jean-Marc Wunderli, Hans Boegli Community response to military shooting noise immissions - preliminary results
Wayne R. Lundberg Effects of science-based noise control laws, standards and policies
Salvatore Curcuruto, Rosalba Silvaggio, Francesca Sacchetti, Guiseppe Marsico Consideration elements for a legislation on the airport noise: The Italian experience
Frank Turina Using acoustic data to manage air tour noise in national parks*
Martin L. Lenhardt Airborne ultrasonic standards for hearing protection, 2008